Chap04 Network Layer
transport layer: between two processes
network layer: between two hosts and router (may also involve intervening routers in case of VCs)
- routing protocols
- path selection
- IP protocol
- addressing conventions
- datagram format
- packet handling conventions
- ICMP protocol
- error reporting
- router
- signaling
routing: 決定packet傳送的路徑
forwarding: 實際傳送
router has forwarding table
Different from TCP/UDP(transport layer protocol)
- service:host-to-host
- no choice:network provides one or the other
- implemented in network core
network layer service
datagram network: network-layer connectionless service
virtual-circuit network: network-layer connection service
- Virtual-Circuit Networks
3. 包含
- 路徑
- VC number
- 路徑上所有router的forwarding table index
6. performance-wise
7. 三個階段:
1. VC建立:傳送端的傳輸層會聯繫網路層,指定接收端的位址,並等待網路建立 VC。網路層會決定傳送端到接收端之間的路徑,也會為路徑上所有的連結決定其VC編號,在路徑每一台router的轉送表中都加入一筆項目。
2. 資料傳輸
3. VC斷線 - Datagram Networks(資料封包網路)
- using destination address(IP)
- longest prefix matching: goto longest address prefix that matches destination address
- 110010000001011100010************ -> send to 1
- 1100100000010111000100001******** -> send to 2
- 比較
- Internet (datagram)
- no setup, routers do not remember state
- “elastic” service, no strict timing request
- many link types: uniform service difficult
- “smart” end systems (computers)
- can adapt, perform control, error recovery
- simple inside network, complexity at “edge”
- ATM (VC)
- human conversation: strict timing, reliability requirements
- need for guaranteed service
- “dumb” end systems
- telephones
- complexity inside network
- Internet (datagram)
Router architecture
- routing protocol (RIP, OSPF, BGP)(software)
- forwarding datagrams(hardware)
- Input Ports
- physical layer(bit level)
- datalink layer(Ethernet)(receive)
- decentralized switching
- Switching Fabric
- transfer packet from input buffer to appropriate output buffer
- router內部的網路
- 實作
- memory(慢):查詢轉送表,找出適當的輸出埠,然後將該封包複製到該輸出埠的緩衝區
- bus:同一時間內只能傳輸一個封包
- crossbar(棋盤式):2N bus,將n格輸入埠連接到n個輸出埠
- Output Ports: input port反過來
- Queue Management:
佇列前端攔阻(Head-of-the-line (HOL) blocking):
Total overhead = 20 bytes of TCP + 20 bytes of IP + app layer overhead
IP: Internet Protocol
- 標頭
- 協定(protocol):只有當ip資料段達到最後目的端時,才會使用這個欄位,值為TCP或UDP。
- 標頭檢查(Header checksum)
- TTL(Time-to-live):確保資料封包不會在網路中無窮循環,每經過一個router,TTL的值就會遞減1
- Datagram Fragmentation
- MTU(maximum transfer size): 控制IP的封包長度
- Ex. 4000 byte datagram, MTU = 1500 bytes, real data = 1480bytes -> 1480 + 1480 + 11xx
- be “reassembled” only at final destination
- MTU(maximum transfer size): 控制IP的封包長度
- IPv4 Addressing
- address為host/router和physical layer的連接
- Subnet: 高位元相同的ip集合,不用router就可以連接
- CIDR(Classless InterDomain Routing)
- Ex. 11001000 ,00010111 ,0001000 | 0, 00000000
- is number of subnet bits)
- Get IP address
- ISP向ICANN(Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)申請IP address, 記錄domain name至DNS上
- hard-coded by system admin in a file
- Windows: control-panel->network->configuration->tcp/ip->properties
- UNIX: /etc/rc.config
- DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
- IP address的分配
- get address while connected on
- sent to DHCP:, 67
- listen from DHCP:, 68
- 四階段
- host broadcasts “DHCP discover” [optional]
- DHCP server responds with “DHCP offer” [optional]
- host requests IP address: “DHCP request”
- DHCP server sends address: “DHCP ack”
- DHCP server can also return useful information
- address of first-hop router for client
- name and IP address of DNS sever
- network mask (indicating network versus host portion of address)
- Real action
- DHCP request encapsulated in UDP, encapsulated in IP, encapsulated in 802.1 Ethernet
- Ethernet frame broadcast (dest: FFFFFFFFFFFF) on LAN
- NAT(Network Address Translation)(網路位址轉譯)
- 產生local network, 可自定義ip address, 再交由NAT轉譯成正確IP
- 可避免攻擊,便於管理。
- http://www.cs.nccu.edu.tw/~lien/Writing/NGN/firewall.htm
- violates end-to-end argument
- NAT traversal problem: 在外面的user如何連到未知(不知道ip)的server
- 固定ip(失去保護作用)
- UPnP(通用型隨插即用): 應用程式將獲得共用的Public IP地址及Port做點對點的傳輸。
- relaying (used in Skype)
- 以relay server 作為 bridge
- NAT possibility must be taken into account by app designers, e.g., P2P applications
- ICMP: 回報錯誤
- 簡介
- 因應大量的IP位址空間需求
- IP位址長度從32位元增加到128位元
- 新的位址型態: 任意點位址(anycast adress),它允許含有任意點位址的資料段,可以傳送到一群主機中的任一台主機
- 固定長度的40個位元組標頭, 加快資料處理
- no fragmentation allowed
- 資料流標記和優先權
- 因應大量的IP位址空間需求
- IPv6 Datagram 格式
- 版本號碼(Version): ip的版本號碼
- 轉送次數限制(Hop limit):每當路由器轉送資料段後,就會將資料段此欄位的內容遞減1。如果hop limit計數減到0時,就會捨棄這個資料段
- checksum: removed in IPV6 to reduce processing time
- ICMPv6:new version of ICMP
- 從 IPv4 到 IPv6
- 雙堆疊(dual-stack)法:其中的ipv6節點也實作了完整的ipv4,也就是這種結點能夠傳送和接收ipv6及ipv4兩種的資料段。
ipv6/ipv4節點必須同時擁有ipv6和ipv4的位址,也需要能夠決定其它結點是否可以執行ipv6的功能。這個問題可以使用DNS解決,如果結點名稱解析為可使用IPV6功能,則它會傳回IPV6位址;否則它會傳回IPV4位址。 在雙堆疊法中,如果傳送端或接收端其中一方只能使用IPV4功能,則必須使用IPV4資料段,有可能會發生兩個可以執行ipv6功能的節點不使用ipv6,而是彼此送出ipv4資料段。這會造成IPV6的資料欄位在轉換成IPV4的型式時發生欄位遺失,最後在傳送到目的地時,不會是原始的ipv6 資料段的所有欄位。 - 建立通道(tunneling): 中間有中介的ipv4路由器,稱為通道(tunnel)。通道傳送端的將整個ipv6資料(含標頭檔)放入ipv4,當作資料傳送。起點和終點均為ipv6 router
- 雙堆疊(dual-stack)法:其中的ipv6節點也實作了完整的ipv4,也就是這種結點能夠傳送和接收ipv6及ipv4兩種的資料段。
Routing Algorithm
- Link-State (LS)
- global: all routers have complete topology, link cost info
- Dijkstra: 放入想算的點U至N,找!N距U最近,將其放入N,LOOP
- !N: 若經過[最新放入的N值的點]走更近,更新值
- O(nlogn)
- Distance-Vector (DV)
- decentralized: router only knows link costs to neighbors
- each node maintains distance vector
- When link cost changes: update, if DV change, notify neighbors
- bad news travels slow
- Poisoned reverse
- 防止路由迴圈(Routing loop)出現
- If Z routes through Y to get to X(use time much over than expect) : Z tells Y its (Z’s) distance to X is infinite (so Y won’t route to X via Z)
- 當Router A發現Network X的中斷後, 將其跳躍數Hop count變更為Maximum+1, 其他router收到更新時會立刻知道Network X為Inaccessible,加快網絡收斂的速度
- Bellman-Ford equation
- dx(y) = argmin(v) {c(x,v) + dv(y)}
- 比較
- speed of convergence
- LS:O(n) algorithm requires O(nE) msgs
- may have oscillations
- 若經過的封包愈多,花費愈高
- may have oscillations
- DV:convergence time varies
- may be routing loops
- count-to-infinity problem(??)
- 惡意router散播假消息
- LS:O(n) algorithm requires O(nE) msgs
- speed of convergence
- Hierachical Routing
- aggregate routers into regions,“autonomous systems”(AS)
- AS(Autonomous System):一群路由器在一位管理者之下, 使用IGPs去互相傳送封包的系統
Routing Protocols
- IGP(interior gateway protocols): use in same AS(“intra-AS”)
- RIP(Routing Information Protocol): DV
- Included in BSD-UNIX Distribution in 1982
- 對自己的neighbor要求Routing Table,並計錄最短的。
- use route-d (application level) to manage, sent in UDP packets
- 用hop為路徑的選擇量度。最大為15 hops
- RIP每次更新預設為30sec
- if no advertisement heard after 180 sec --> assume neighbor/link declared dead -> invalidate route from this neighbor
- OSPF(Open Shortest Path First): LS
- 透過一套演算公式,所以它的路由效率會比較好些
- Shortest path first
- Dijkstra's algorithm
- features not in RIP
- multiple same-cost paths
- security: all OSPF messages authenticated
- Hierarchical OSPF(分層)
- each nodes know full of local area, and shortest path to other areas
- saves table size, reduced update traffic
- RIP(Routing Information Protocol): DV
- BGP((Border Gateway Protocol)): between different AS(“inter-AS”)
- information from neighbors(BGP會談(BGP session))
- 使用port179的半永久性TCP連線來交換資訊
- iBGPs(Interior Gateway Protocols), eBGPs(Exterior Gateway protocols)
- Prefix + attributes = “route”
- BGP attributes
- AS-path:表示到達某一AS所必須經過的路由
- Next-hop :specific internal-AS router to next AS
- BGP attributes
- BGP Route Selection(按順序)
- local preference(當本地AS中有多個路由可以到達某一AS,則路由選擇的優先權於與最近路由器相連接之AS開始。偏好原則)
- shortest AS-PATH(經過最少AS)
- closest NEXT-HOP router: hot potato routing(經過最少internal router)
- additional criteria(其他)
- Routing Policy: do not want to provide informations not relevalent to its own customer
broadcast and multicast routing
in-network duplication: enefficient, do not know send to whom
2. flooding: 當節點接到一個廣播封包,他會複製該封包在傳送給相鄰節點
3. RPF(reversed path forwarding):
if (datagram received on incoming link on shortest path back to center)
then flood datagram onto all outgoing links
else ignore datagram
3. Spanning Tree
4. IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol): Soft State
5. DVMRP(Distance-Vector Multicast Routing Protocol) vs. PIM(Protocol-Independent Multicast)